

A famous British novelist and poet once said, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” Hardships are part of life. We can’t avoid them. We fight them day by day. Even though we swear and cross our fingers that these hardships would come to an end, it would never happen. Some people are too weak that they give up. They surrender without thinking twice. Maybe because they are not inspired and discouraged. They are cowards. Hardships are nasty, yes. In my opinion, these hardships would make us stronger. Without hardships, we would never experience the good stuff. Before reaching to our dream destination, we must be driven, fearless and determined.

Dealing with hardships is never easy. Just brush them off and think of happy thoughts. Always remind yourself that you are not a weakling. You can do all things because you believe that you can do it. If you believe in yourself that you can overcome obstacles, then that is enough to keep you going. There are times when you want to give up and surrender but isn’t it a waste when you are already halfway through? Finish what you started. Keep that in mind. Hardships can’t be solved easily that is why you must be patient in dealing with it. Everything takes time. Overcoming them is a step-by-step process. Also, do not be afraid and embarrassed to ask help and comfort from your family and friends. You do not have to deal with them alone. No man is an island, and we should gain strength, inspiration, and happiness from them. They make our miserable day better. They are only waiting for us to approach them when we need them. No matter what, they are always available when we ask for advice on what to do. Ask assistance from them and guidance. Every challenge has its purpose. It is given to us because it would help us grow up, be mature and be a better version of ourselves. Think of hardships not as your enemies but your friends. Do not let these hardships ruin your life. Savor them and make them a tool in becoming stronger. Life is short and focusing on the negative things is such a waste. Avoid discouraging yourself. Never ever put your own self down. Reminder, self-motivation, and self-love are the keys. Do not be insecure and do not compare yourself to others. Pray. I think that is the best thing you should do and trust me it will really help you.

We all have different ways on how to deal with hardships. Some of us are brave while some of us need a little bit of encouragement. Challenges are inevitable and we have no choice but to conquer them. It is up to us whether we let these challenges discourage us from having a happy life or not. The big man above gives the hardest challenges to the bravest soldiers so never doubt yourself.


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