
Becoming an expert in balancing salt-spice ratio to maximize Food Taste and Flavor
Everyone feels hungry and desires to eat daily. A Chef’s Journey Begins to Discover Delicious Sensational Food Recipes Learning the art of scientific knowledge to

Burnout among Medical Professions during Outbreaks
By SALAR A. KHAN, MD, MBA The Corona Virus Disease – 19 (COVID-19) Outbreak spread globally on March 11, 2020 and the World Health Organization

Burnout among Medical Professions during Outbreaks
Salar A. Khan Research Compliance Officer, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, 820 S. Damen Avenue, Chicago, Illinois DOI: Abstract The COVID-19 outbreak spread globally on

Facing Fears and Moving Forward
A fearless person is probably nonexistent. We all have fears. It is part of being a human. It is difficult to face fears. Mainly because

Achieving Success With A Clear And Positive Goal Setting
Do you have a dream? Well, we all do, but what’s yours? They say a dream is a wish that your heart makes. It is

Divergent and Convergent Thinking Leaders
Most often we find divergent and convergent thinking leaders in an organization. Easily they can be recognized by the way they handle situations and decision

Inevitable Stumbling Blocks of Leadership
It takes guts to be a leader. But it takes everything to be a good one, and successful at that. It takes hard work, patience,

A famous British novelist and poet once said, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” Hardships are part of life. We can’t avoid

Parents’ Role in My Natural Born Leader’s Abilities Cultivation
In looking back on my career and accomplishments, I believe I would not be the person I am today if it weren’t for my parents.