Political Science Book Seeks to Shake Up Global Leadership

Salar Khan Blog, Leadership, Self-improvement

Every day people must make decisions about what to eat, what clothes to buy, and what books to read. Even these simple decisions can fill us with dread. And when it comes to life-changing decisions, one needs integrity, courage, open-mindedness, patience, and most of all, confidence to overcome the fear of failure. Sadly, these are characteristics that are often missing from global political leaders nowadays. No wonder the world is facing wars, injustice, and turmoil.

Salar Khan’s Global Political Leadership and the Public offers a unique chance to get out of this mess – by helping leaders develop the skills and mindset essential to lead efficiently while also focusing on the interest of not only their own community but that of the whole world. This is the only way for us to restore the peace we seem to have lost.

When it comes to educating leaders, Khan knows that the job must start at an early age – preferably before a child is born. By guiding parents through the difficult tasks involved in raising a child and explaining how personality and skills develop during the various stages of life, everyone can master the techniques that Khan suggests creating a new generation of responsible citizens, professionals, and global leaders. As Khan reminds readers, Mother Nature has granted everyone the ability to become a good person – we just need to learn how to develop ourselves.

This straightforward guide is based on thorough research as well as Khan’s personal and professional experience. From Plato to Freud, readers can learn what the greatest minds thought about leadership and the skills an ideal leader should be equipped with, and then they can test how much knowledge they have acquired with the help of the self-assessment tools incorporated in the book. Global Political Leadership and the Public is an essential read for everyone, as we should all learn how to lead better since true leadership starts with leading ourselves through the challenges we must face in life. 


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